One of the hardest decisions you make regarding your pet is Euthanasia. We get many questions regarding this process. Here are some things to help explain and guide you through this process:

How do you know when it's "Time"?

This is a question we commonly get asked as the time comes closer for your beloved pet and can be difficult to come to terms with. We tell pet owners quite often, you will probably know better than we will. You've been with your pet every day and will see the signs coming. Here are some common signs to look for that can signal that the end is near:

  • Unmanaged Pain
  • Crying Out
  • Refusing to Eat or Drink
  • Can't get up on their own & Potty
  • Stopped being the animal they used to be
  • More bad days than good days

What to Expect at a End of Life Appointment:

At an End of Life Appointment, we want to make the environment as peaceful as possible for you and the pet. These type of appointments are typically done in-office. Once your pet is in the exam room, they are given sedation. They are still aware of their surroundings and can hear your voice, we just want that to be the only "poke" they feel. During this process, we recommend you stay with your pet to let them know you're there. If you're not comfortable doing so, you can designate one of our team members to be their end of life companion through this process. Once your pet is sedated, the doctor will put a catheter in their vein to administer the medication. After that point, you can spend some quality time with your pet. And once you're ready, you will let the doctor know you're ready to say goodbye.




After Care

There are several options available to you upon your pet's passing. You can elect to bury your pet at home or your pet can be cremated. We offer both communal and private cremation. Communal cremation is just that, you do not get your pet's ashes back. With private cremation, your pet's ashes are returned 1-2 weeks after.