Sheri Jackson Stange

Certified Veterinary Technician

Sheri’s journey in the veterinary field began by working on her family farm in Bradford. At 16, her father’s persuasion led Wyoming Veterinary Service to offer her a summer job, marking the start of a career that would span over two decades. After working part-time for five years during high school and college, Sheri’s passion for veterinary care solidified.

Outside of her professional life, Sheri indulges in her love for baking, dining out with her family, walking, and gardening. Known for her straightforward communication style, Sheri employs sarcasm and humor to connect with both clients and colleagues, adding a unique flavor to her interactions.

Her colorful array of nicknames includes Sparky, Debbie Downer, Champ, Sher Bear, Sheralynn, Betty, and Sugarfoot, reflecting her vibrant personality and the camaraderie she shares with the team. Sheri thrives on sarcastic banter, knowing well that the job isn’t always a “basket full of puppies.” She’s experienced the full spectrum of veterinary tasks—from the mundane to the downright messy— which includes semen collection, putting poop in a cup, anal gland expression, cleaning calf testicles for eating a much more!